Peruvian Pachamanca and the Peruvian Hoatia Traditional Cooking
Traditional Pachamanca Preparation takes considerable time, and typically requires the participation of many members of the community.
With the Earth Oven you can save time and achieve that same great taste, with “only from the earth” BBQ flavor!
All ingredients are placed in the Earth Oven in layers, and their positioning depends on their cooking time.
Tubers (uka) are large stems that overwinter and the stem fattens up. There are several varieties of tubers found in the Andes, one called “Oca” was introduced to Europe in the 1830’s as a competitor to the potato. So if you’re not in Andean Territory you may try potatoes.
First, line the Earth Oven Pachamanca with flat rocks like river or lava rock. Light your Earth Oven fire and wait for the fuel to turn to coals, then sweep the ashes in between the cracks between the rocks.
Place 4-6 tubers (depending on size) seasoned with a little Salt and Pepper and covered in Olive Oil on top of the rocks. Next, cover the tubers up with another layer of flat river or lava rock. Then place a few pounds of seasoned meat on top and add another layer of hot stones. Now add Corn. Then, place beans and cornmeal patties on your Earth Oven Griddle and lower into the Earth Oven. After all the food is placed, quickly secure the Earth Oven Lid making sure the vent is in the closed position.
You may keep a portion of your Earth Oven available for the addition of coals. Adding coals also presents a great time to check internal temperatures and baste as needed.
In traditional celebrations, “Pachamanca” is the symbol of community, happiness and gathering.
A great tasting Pachamanca dish to go with your meal is RocotoRelleno, a traditional dish from Arequipa, Peru. Rocotos are large oval-shaped and “very hot” chilis that are cleaned and stuffed with ground beef, pork, or Guinea Pig, diced onions, eggs, olives, and local spices. They are covered with Ricotta cheese and placed in the Earth Oven Pachamanca. Your Earth Oven Griddle works great for cooking RocotoRelleno.
Enjoy “The Peruvian Ancient Earth Oven Pachamanca” to achieve “Flavors straight from Mother Nature!”